Falling in love is wonderful! But what if it’s your best friends? What if you feel happy when you don’t want to live as a man or a woman? This can be very hard, especially if the environment you live in doesn’t understand your feelings, rejects them or even threatens you. Or your life situation does not allow you to live out your sexual orientation or your true gender identity? Or you do not understand the language? You are looking for contacts and would like to get to know other young people who live in a similar situation as you?
You know these difficulties, you want to talk about a problem, ask questions or express doubts, but there is nobody there who understands you? Maybe you are afraid of being laughed at and not taken seriously? With all these topics and also with questions about coming out, love, sex and partnership, but also with questions about the asylum, we are happy to listen and help – by e-mail, phone or chat.
Just call or make an appointment online via Beranet:
Information and advisory hotline Ruhr area: 0208 – 30 27 358
Information and advisory hotline Lower Rhine: 02151 – 44 96 930
For many, entering a together meeting point for the first time is a great inhibition threshold. Some walk round and round, cautiously looking in to see what is happening there – some then lose courage and go back home instead of going inside.
But the feedback from our visitors is almost always: “At some point I just went in and after five minutes it was my second living room!”
With the newcomer day KOMPASS (monthly in each meeting point – dates under news) and the come-in service we would like to make it easier for you to get on board. Contact us and meet with one of the staff members before opening hours.